We at MMA Cork put a big emphasis on conducting our classes in a friendly and relaxed environment where everyone helps and looks out for each other. Our main rules are:

The ADVANCED level of MMA Certification are invite only for select students who show exemplary skill and dedication. These will be the students who will be entrusted with taking forward the Combat Kinetics legacy of Champions in the years to come.
After completing the INTERMEDIATE level and proving their skills in full contact competitions in an international arena… These exceptionally talented students will have the option of learning more about the Science behind the Art of Coaching, Beyond just skills for taking classes the course will cover Sports science, fitness certification, training methodologies, Mental Coaching, First Aid and Rehabilitation as well as business management.
Our curriculum is not limited to techniques taught. Dozens of drills are also a part of each level and support the acquisition of movement skills, conditioning and priming the neuromuscular connect. Physical competence acquired at each level is not limited to the acquisition of techniques, but also imply specific performance levels that need to be attained. The amount of training and application that goes into these programs are unprecedented.

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